Construction Materials Testing and Certification Laboratory


Construction Materials Testing and Certification Laboratory

We have the expertise to provide you with construction material testing and certification, providing the proper quality control assessment of your construction materials. Our experts are accredited to issue quality certifications according to a wide variety of international standards and directives. We provide a detailed analysis based on the evaluation of material selection and raw materials analysis. Our laboratory testing assures manufacturers that the construction materials used in their projects can meet the quality, safety and environmental sustainability requirements.

We have a host of equipment that includes a Digital compression testing machine, Laboratory mixers, Flexural Testing Machine, concrete needle penetrometer, SCC test equipment, Humidity Chamber, Marsh Cone, Le-chatelier apparatus, Vicat’s apparatus, Slump Cone, Water bath and many more.

  • Mix designs for Ultrahigh performance Concrete
  • Mechanical testing of building materials
  • Material characterization
  • Reviewing project quality documentation
  • Mix designs fromM10 to M100 grade concrete
  • Self Compacting Concrete
  • Durability tests on concrete
  • Vibration, shock and stressstrain measurement
  • Risk assessment regarding potential special failure mechanisms
  • Product type testing
  • Regulatory testing according to building codes
  • Product certification